Michigan Diabetes Prevention Network

The Michigan Diabetes Prevention Network (DPN) was created to support and engage partners in diabetes prevention and serve as a vehicle to share information and resources to help you as you deliver your diabetes prevention programs.

Summer 2024 - Michigan Diabetes Prevention Network Meeting

Virtual over Zoom
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

This virtual meeting provided brief national and Michigan-level updates regarding diabetes prevention. It primarily focused on disability with an engaging presentation from Candice Lee of MDHHS Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases Section – what the term means, disability and simultaneous health condition statistics, how the new disability data collection requirement for Diabetes Prevention Programs fits in and can be used, and what viewers can do to increase their support of the disability community.

Spring 2024 - Michigan Diabetes Prevention Network Meeting

In-Person at Eastern Market in Detroit, MI
Friday, April 12, 2024

This in-person meeting provided national and Michigan-level population and diabetes prevention updates, showcased the potential for DPPs to adopt Walk with Ease programming, included a lively Q&A session, highlighted the inspiring nutrition and food access work led by Patrice Brown at Eastern Market Partnership in Detroit, and included a flavorful cooking demonstration by Chef Ederique Goudia, highlighting delicious, quick, affordable, low-waste recipes adaptable for all taste buds and budgets.

Please contact DavenportA1@Michigan.gov for more information about the DPN or to gain access to references used to source the presentation. If you have any questions or to register for the Michigan Diabetes Prevention Network, email Adrienne Davenport at DavenportA1@michigan.gov. Registering will ensure you have the most up-to-date network information including news, resources and meeting invitations.

2024 DPRP Standards

The CDC Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP) Standards and Operating Procedures (DPRP Standards) have been updated. These affect Michigan DPP providers and are active through April 2027.


If you want to share something from your organization with everyone, let us know. If you have suggestions for resources you would like us to share, let us know that too! For more information contact Adrienne Davenport at DavenportA1@michigan.gov.
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